PUBLIC transport users are being encouraged to check their travel plans after timetable changes came into effect on Sunday 20 October.
Major timetable changes for some parts of Sydney have had flow on impacts for regional and outer metropolitan passengers including adjustments to Intercity train services on the Newcastle-Central Coast and Hunter train lines.
There are some changes to Newcastle and Hunter bus timetables for routes that connect with train services.
Some minor timing changes also affect selected NSW TrainLink booked regional train and coach services.
The changes will be updated in the online reservation system and affected passengers will be contacted.
To check timetables go to: https://www.transportnsw.info/trip
Congratulations Merriwa on the way you have proven the case for a Return and Earn container recycling machine.
In October last year, after a lengthy wait, the town celebrated the arrival of the Reverse Vending Machine at Merriwa Sports Club.
Over the past 12 months, local residents recycled 1,018,268 containers which reduced material to landfill by the equivalent of six full garbage trucks.
Scone has also posted some impressive data with 2,777,474 containers recycled
reducing landfill by the equivalent of 18 full garbage trucks.
To collect the refund on eligible recyclable containers visit your nearest TOMRA Return and Earn recycling station with locations found at: https://returnandearn.org.au/map/
Eight locations in the Upper Hunter Electorate have been identified for improvements under the $128.5 million ‘Port to REZ’ upgrade program.
Detailed maps were released late last week for 19 upgrades between the Port of Newcastle to the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (REZ).
The Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo) and Transport for NSW are working together to deliver the improvements funded by the Australian and NSW governments.
Locations include:
· Mitchell Line of Road, Whittingham;
· Mitchell Line of Road-Putty Road and Putty Road-Jerrys Plains Road intersections at Mount Thorley;
· Golden Highway, Jerrys Plains;
· Denman Road-Bengalla Road, Muswellbrook;
· Golden Highway-Wybong Road, Sandy Hollow;
· Golden Highway-Denman Road, Denman and;
· Golden Highway-Vinegaroy Road, Cassilis.
The upgrades will enable the transportation of wind turbines and other crucial components needed for wind and solar farms and the transmission network that connects them.
Additionally, Transport for NSW and EnergyCo are currently conducting a review of roads across the designated renewable energy corridors to determine if any roads should be reclassified as state roads.
The Port to REZ work location maps can be found at: https://caportal.com.au/energyco/rez
Singleton and Muswellbrook this week host the Innovation Roadshow as part of the 2024 Hunter Innovation Festival.
The event aims to inspire and promote a culture of innovation amongst Hunter businesses, researchers, industry and the wider community to help position the Hunter region as an internationally recognised centre for innovation.
Singleton Diggers in Castlereagh Street hosts the Singleton Roadshow stop on Thursday evening, 5-7pm which will showcase ‘Key Infrastructure Projects for the Future.’
‘New Energy Project Opportunities’ is in the spotlight for the Roadshow grand finale at the Donald Horne Building in Muswellbrook on Friday, 12–2 pm.
For more on the Hunter Innovation Festival and the Roadshow go to:
More than 90,000 public sector workers including prison officers, school assistants and other essential workers will receive a pay rise after months of complex negotiations.
The NSW Government and the Public Service Association (PSA) have reached agreement on a multi-year pay agreement for Crown employees of 11.4 per cent compounded over three years.
It follows a 4.5 per cent pay rise delivered last year and is expected to see a typical public sector award employee about $5,274 better off.
As a result of the deal, the PSA and the government agreed to work towards minimising pressure on the state’s workers compensation scheme, to overhaul redeployment policies to reduce redundancy costs and modernise awards to remove redundant allowances.
Upper Hunter firm LIVMEDIA is hosting webinars over the next two weeks in its role as
as an Official Collaboration Partner for NSW Small Business Month.
The webinars are designed to provide practical, actionable insights to local SMEs and equip business owners with the tools they need to boost their businesses, all while encouraging community collaboration.
Webinars are scheduled for October 23, 25, 28 and 30 with the sessions to cover key business topics including social media basics, digitising and streamlining online systems, community engagement and delving into diversification.
To book for Biz Boost: Empower your Business go to: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/biz-boost-empower-your-business-tickets-1034527719257
EnergyCo and Ausgrid are working to finalise a proposed network solution to deliver the Hunter-Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone (REZ).
It involves upgrading the existing electricity distribution network to allow new renewable generation to connect to the grid.
The proposed solution will minimise impacts on surrounding communities and the environment, while delivering the capacity to transfer at least one gigawatt of renewable energy.
In the coming months, EnergyCo will work with Ausgrid to finalise the scope to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the Hunter-Central Coast REZ network infrastructure project.
It will engage with local councils, landowners, communities and businesses to ensure the project delivers benefits for all stakeholders.
A map has been released showing where the proposed Ausgrid upgrades will occur:
Service NSW is holding a Digital Workshop for Seniors at Singleton Library next week.
Seniors will receive help to navigate online services and how to create their own Service NSW account, step by step.
The session will provide an introduction to the Service NSW website and online transactions, the Service NSW “App” as well as ID Support NSW and Cyber Security.
To get the most out of the workshop, you are encouraged to bring your own fully charged personal device such as mobile phone or tablet, with access to your emails from your device.
The workshop at Singleton Library is on Monday 28 October, Noon-1.30pm with tickets from: www.eventbrite.com.au/e/service-nsw-digital-workshop-for-seniors-tickets-1032967823567 or www.facebook.com/@SingletonCouncil
Seniors are urged to snap up the free tickets for the NSW Seniors Christmas Concerts in Cessnock on Thursday 12 December.
There will be two shows at Performance Arts Culture Cessnock at 10am and 1pm.
Free tickets are available until the allocation is exhausted with a maximum of four per person or call the venue for larger group bookings.
Tickets are available from the Performance Arts Culture Cessnock Theatre box office, located on the corner of Vincent Street and Aberdare Road, Cessnock or call 4993 4266.
Make online bookings at: www.mypacc.com.au/Whats-on/2024-NSW-Seniors-Christmas-Concerts
NSW Grandparents Day on Sunday, 27 October will celebrate the contributions grandparents make to their families and our community.
The day will also recognise the diversity of grandparent relationships and aims to foster intergenerational learning and offers older people opportunities to participate in their local community.
There are lots of ways you can celebrate with activities like having morning tea or baking a cake, read a book together, playing a board game or do a puzzle or sharing old photos with your grandchildren and tell your stories.
For more on Grandparents Day: www.nsw.gov.au/family-and-relationships/grandparents-day
Two upcoming exhibitions at Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre will be a focal point for local interest.
The Viola Bromley Art Prize 2024 is on show between 24 October and 21 December celebrating local art across the disciplines of painting, works on paper, sculpture and photography.
Open to all artists resident to the Dungog, Muswellbrook, Singleton and Upper Hunter Shires, the winning acquisitive work from each section will be awarded $1,500 and join the Muswellbrook Shire Art Collection alongside key local artists including Max Watters, James Clifford and Viola Bromley herself.
Also on show from 24 October until 15 March next year is the exhibition of Our Place: 100 Years of Martindale Public School.
To celebrate the centenary Martindale students were encouraged to create artworks that reflected what ‘our place’ means to them.
Martindale Public School Principal Sharon Rivers has described Our Place as special and giving a sense of belonging and identity.
Discover more at: https://artgallery.muswellbrook.nsw.gov.au