Upper Hunter Electorate farmers are set to benefit from free drone training, helping them apply new technologies to make life on the land more productive and prosperous.
Member for Upper Hunter Dave Layzell said the in-demand training at Scone and Coolah will help primary producers reap the benefits of new and emerging technologies.
“Operating a drone is like any other precision control system – with proper planning, set up and confidence to operate safely, it can provide real on-farm benefits,” Mr Layzell said.
Minister for Skills Training Alister Henskens said the free training courses are being funded by the NSW Government under its AgSkilled 2.0 program.
“This practical, hands-on training explores the application of drones to a range of agricultural pursuits, so every farmer who participates will know how a drone can benefit their farm planning and day-to-day practices,” Mr Henskens said.
More than 580 people across NSW have taken up $878,000 worth of free training, which comprises an online training session followed by a one-day on-farm workshop.
New course dates have been released, with farmers encouraged to enrol in upcoming courses at the following locations:
· Scone – Wednesday, 8 June; and,
· Coolah – Thursday, 9 June.
Minister for Agriculture and Western NSW Dugald Saunders said technology continues to revolutionise how farmers operate, and courses like this one are an opportunity for people to upskill using the latest technological advancements.
“The agriculture sector is stronger than ever, despite a challenging few years of fires, floods and drought. It’s important that we continue to roll out programs like these so our farmers can strengthen and grow their operations during this prosperous time.”
For course bookings: www.agskilled.org.au/events-list and to discover more about AgSkilled 2.0 visit: www.nsw.gov.au/education-and-training/vocational/vet-programs/agskilled