Dave Layzell MP, Member for Upper Hunter encourages parents, carers and community members supporting young people experiencing mental health challenges can register to attend a free mental health workshop hosted by headspace, thanks to a significant investment by the NSW Government in response to the ongoing COVID restrictions.
The workshops will help parents and carers better understand the unique challenges facing young people and how to access appropriate support.
“We want everyone in the community to have the opportunity to learn more about the experiences of young people so they can be supportive as well as becoming strong advocates for positive mental health through what is a difficult time for us all,” said Dave Layzell MP.
“This is about improving mental health literacy for parents and carers so they can help them with their work or study and support them in areas such as learning shareable coping skills, accessing local support services and recognizing warning signs.”
Minister for Mental Health Bronnie Taylor said the sessions will benefit the whole community.
“These sessions are for any parent or carer who is worried about their child and doesn’t know how to start a conversation about what’s going on in their lives,” said Mrs Taylor.
“We’re building a safer, stronger NSW, and these workshops will address local challenges, point the way to local support services and allow the community to ask questions about what they can do to help young people who are struggling.”
“We want parents and carers to be able to talk about mental wellbeing in a way that doesn’t inadvertently shame young people or encourage them to stay silent, but access the tools and supports that are available to them,” concluded Dave Layzell MP.
To book a session, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/headspace-national-youth-mental-health-foundation-30549822220