Road safety at a prominent Singleton intersection will receive a boost with the installation of a new red-light speed camera at the intersection of the New England Highway and Bridgman Road.
Member for Upper Hunter Dave Layzell said the new camera will target red-light running and speeding from 28 October 2022 to improve safety for all road users.
“We know that running red lights can lead to serious T-bone crashes or vehicles hitting pedestrians,” Mr Layzell said.
“About a third of red-light speed camera offences are from people running red lights so we are addressing this problem head-on.
“In the five years from 2017 to 2021, eight crashes occurred at this intersection with six people injured, two seriously.”
“Road crashes claimed the lives of 275 people on NSW roads last year with speed the biggest killer and these red-light speed cameras will help to reduce risk at a key New England Highway intersection located midway between the Singleton CBD and the Singleton Heights residential area,” Mr Layzell said.
Research shows that red-light speed cameras dramatically reduce the number of serious crashes on our roads.
“The most recent NSW speed camera review found fatal and serious injury crashes fell by 35 per cent at red-light speed camera locations, and pedestrian casualties fell by almost 60 per cent,” Mr Layzell said.
As with all red-light speed camera locations in NSW, the new enforcement camera in Singleton will be clearly signposted.
The new camera will operate in warning mode for one month during which time drivers caught speeding or running red lights will be sent a warning letter to encourage them to change their behaviour.
Fines and demerit points will be sent to offending drivers at the end of this period.
Fines from red-light speed cameras go directly into the Community Road Safety Fund to deliver targeted road safety initiatives in NSW.
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