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  • Writer's pictureDave Layzell MP

State Matters - 28 November 2022


THE community is invited to attend information sessions next week to learn about the proposed Lostock Dam to Glennies Creek Dam Pipeline Project.

The sessions are on Monday 5 December at Tocal Homestead 12-3pm and 5.30-8.30 pm, Tuesday 6 December 9am-4pm at Singleton Library and Wednesday 7 December 9am-4pm in the Gresford School of Arts Hall, East Gresford.

For more information about the proposed pipeline or to enquire about any of the project activities email; or call 1300 081 047.

See more on the Lostock Dam to Glennies Creek Dam Pipeline Project at;


The Dairy Sector Recovery Strategy is set to help the dairy industry recuperate and build long-term resilience after the February-March flooding event earlier this year.

A $7.9 million investment jointly provided by the Commonwealth and NSW Government-funded Storm and Flood Industry Recovery Program (Sector Recovery and Resilience Grants), as part of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, together with industry co-contributions, will help the sector get back on its feet.

The funding will deliver 12 projects across three working packages focusing on:

Better Response and Short-Term Recovery; Better Preparedness, Lower Risk and Improved Resilience and Supporting Industry Development.

For more information about the Dairy Strategy for Sector Recovery Program, visit;


NSW communities affected by recent storms and floods urgently need help.

If you wish to contribute, it is vital that you don't hinder recovery efforts by delivering unrequested donations into the affected areas.

People wishing to donate goods or offer financial support can donate or pledge goods through national non-for-profit organisation GIVIT.

Financial donations can also be made via;

Emergency Support Volunteering has also launched a campaign to coordinate volunteers during the flood emergency to help people trying to recover, clean-up and rebuild after the disaster.


The number of COVID-19 cases reported in the state and the number of PCR tests that are positive has continued to increase but at a slower rate than previous weeks.

The latest NSW Respiratory Surveillance Report for the week ending 19 November shows

27,750 people diagnosed with COVID, up 17.6% on the week before.

There were 511 people admitted to hospital and 59 people admitted to Intensive Care Units.

Hunter New England health district data reported 3,137 positive cases up from 2,354 a week earlier and 52 hospital admissions, a rise on the 35 from a week earlier.

NSW Health advises us to stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations and booster doses, stay home if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms and get tested, and to wear a mask in crowded, indoor places including on public transport.

To stay COVID safe visit:


Nominations are now open for next year’s YMCA NSW Youth Parliament with a representative being sought for the Upper Hunter Electorate.

Youth Parliament is Y NSW’s flagship youth leadership and engagement program

aimed at young people in years 10, 11 and 12 or equivalent age throughout the state and highlights the power of young people speaking on issues that are important to them.

Successful applicants will need to be available to attend a training camp in April and a residential camp during July.

To learn more about the Y NSW Youth Parliament visit;

If you would like to be the Upper Hunter Electorate’s representative tell me about your interest in representing local youth at the NSW Parliament in 2023 by emailing;


Cooler Classrooms, the first dedicated school air-conditioning program, continues to deliver for NSW public schools.

The program, which began in 2018, has delivered air-conditioning to more than 7,100 learning spaces and 460 libraries at more than 570 schools with work underway at another 420.

The program also improves the air quality of indoor spaces and libraries with “smart systems” that offer heating, cooling and the provision of outside fresh air to ensure ventilation at all times.

Where feasible, solar PV power systems and battery storage technology are being installed to offset energy usage.


Creating the next generation of tech leaders, entrepreneurs and experts is at the heart of the new Computing Technologies curriculum which has now been released.

It comes as part of the NSW Government’s ongoing delivery of the most comprehensive Curriculum Reform in a generation.

New streamlined Geography 11 to 12 syllabuses have also been delivered, removing clutter and allowing teachers to focus on essential learning so students gain the skills, knowledge and understanding to be informed global citizens.

Additionally, the NSW Government has released new Classical and Modern Languages syllabuses for Kindergarten to Year 10.

The new syllabuses are available now on the Digital Curriculum platform for teachers to plan during 2023 and will be taught in NSW schools from 2024;


We are being encouraged to give the gift of life and register to be an organ donor via the Service NSW app.

A new tile on the app re-directs customers to the DonateLife website where you can register and find out more information about organ and tissue donation.

Many people who had previously consented to be organ donors may be unaware they were no longer on the register.

When the organ donation registry became a single national system, many people who had previously ticked ‘yes’ to organ donation when applying for their NSW driver licence were no longer listed as organ donors.

For more information on organ donation, please visit the Organ and Tissue Authority website;


Women living with severe symptoms of menopause will be able to access specialised care at four Australian-first health hubs, including involvement by our Local Health District.

The four menopause hubs include two enhanced services now open at The Royal Hospital for Women and Royal North Shore Hospital, a new hub established at Campbelltown and a rural network hub led by Hunter New England in 2023.

The network of menopause services will also help women manage the longer term health risks associated with menopause, such as osteoporosis, heart disease and high blood pressure.

To start the conversation the NSW Government has launched an awareness campaign and a Menopause Toolkit, which provide clear information about perimenopause and menopause, as well as information about accessing services;


The recent release of 50 conservation-bred birds in the Lower Hunter has boosted the wild population of one of Australia’s rarest birds.

The regent honeyeater used to flock in its thousands from Queensland to South Australia, but now there are only around 300 birds left in the wild.

The breeding program is led by Taronga Conservation Society Australia, BirdLife Australia and the NSW Government's $175 million Saving our Species program.

The community is encouraged to report any sightings of regent honeyeaters to BirdLife Australia on or 1800 621 056.

For more information on the conservation work to save regent honeyeaters visit the Office of Environment & Heritage website;


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