Upper Hunter MP Dave Layzell has welcomed the commitment that a re-elected NSW Liberal and Nationals Government will ‘get the job done’ and provide additional funding for the Denman to Sandy Hollow water pipeline.
“The NSW Nationals in Government have already backed this project and they’re prepared to ensure water security for residents of the Upper Hunter,” Mr Layzell said.
“I am very proud to announce the commitment of $9 million which will now allow Muswellbrook Shire Council to progress the pipeline to construction.”
The NSW Government gave the pipeline a kickstart in 2020 when almost $19 million was awarded to Muswellbrook Shire Council from the Growing Local Economies Fund.
Council has subsequently undertaken preliminary work but has now asked the NSW Government for additional assistance so construction can commence.
“There are multiple benefits to be had from building the water pipeline between Denman and Sandy Hollow,” Mr Layzell said.
“It will provide water security for residents along the pipeline, especially those who currently need to purchase domestic water supplies during hot, dry weather.
“Muswellbrook Shire Council also has an eye to the future including the potential that this infrastructure could help deliver new business opportunities establish in the western part of the LGA.”
Construction of the Denman-Sandy Hollow project will build on the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government’s record of delivering water infrastructure to communities in the Upper Hunter electorate since 2011.
“The NSW Nationals in Government ensured construction and delivery of the Scone to Murrurundi water pipeline which has provided water security for communities along its path, and, in Murrurundi’s case removed the threat of the town running out of water during future droughts,” Mr Layzell said.
PICTURE CAPTION: Dave Layzell with Muswellbrook Mayor Cr Steve Reynolds The Hon. Sam Farraway MLC announcing the commitment at Sandy Hollow.
