Member for Upper Hunter Dave Layzell has congratulated Erin Williams of Aberdeen on being named as a finalist for the 2022 NSW/ACT AgriFutures™ Rural Women’s Award.
“Women are a driving force in innovation in our regions and The AgriFutures™ Rural Women’s Award is a testament to the positive influence more and more women are making in business and agriculture,” Mr Layzell said.
“Erin was selected for her potential to impact, innovate and contribute to enhancing the prosperity of rural and regional Australia.
“Erin is a professional dog trainer, specialising in Livestock Guardian Dogs, and is passionate about educating and developing support systems for livestock producers to address livestock predation more effectively.
“The aim of Erin’s program is to make a difference and fill a much-needed gap in Australia’s agricultural industry, by providing a science-based approach to implementing successful and highly effective Livestock Guardian Dogs.
“The use of Livestock Guardian Dogs to prevent predation is considered the primary strategy in many overseas countries because it is so successful. With an absence of education about this strategy in Australia, Erin is focused on using her expertise to bring that knowledge and understanding to Australian producers.”
Minister for Agriculture Dugald Saunders said the winner of the Rural Women’s Award will be announced at the Rural Women’s Gathering in Forbes in April, and will receive a $15,000 Westpac bursary to enhance their projects in addition to access to business, leadership and mentoring opportunities.
The winner will also go on to compete for the national award later this year.
“Through her passion and commitment, Erin has demonstrated strong leadership and is empowering others along the way, and I thank her not just for the impact she is having on our local community, but for her contribution to rural communities across the nation,” he said.
“I am delighted the NSW Government continues to support this award to raise awareness of programs like Livestock Guardian Dogs and publicly recognise the achievements of women.”
For more information about the Rural Women’s Award, visit